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De Nieuwste Aanbeveling van de Zapplied Book Club werd gelezen door:
Jeroen van Duffelen, van ACE Venture Lab. Lees hier zijn Inspirational Read & Aanbeveling:
Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
De auteur onderstreept het bestaansrecht van de Zapplied Book Club & Book Studies:
'Managers should not be learning from today’s fashionable role models.
They should be learning from companies like Ford, GE, IBM, and McDonald’s
that have successfully responded to challenges and crises over time”
Antifragile gaat erover hoe sommige systemen sterker worden van stress en disruptie:
zij zijn zogenaamd ‘anti-fragiel’. Hoe anti-fragile is jouw onderneming?
Andere Recente Aanbevelingen zijn:
Jeroen Voorham, Co-Founder van MAXAM Medical, entrepreneur in Medical Devices, en Zapplied Book Club Member. Hij vertelt welk boek hem inspireerde en hoe dat zijn ondernemerschap heeft beïnvloed:
Delivering Happiness, A path to profits, passion and purpose, van Tony Hsieh, CEO, Inc.
Andere inspirerende Zapplied Reads & Recommendations zijn:
01. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., by Ron Chernow
03. Nuts!, Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success, by Jackie Frieberg (c.a.)
04. Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's, by Ray Kroc
06. Engineers of Victory; The Problem Solvers Who Turned the Tide in the Second World War, by Paul Kennedy
08. Made In America, about Walmart, by Sam Walton
09. The Big Switch, Rewiring The World, From Edison To Google, by Nicholas Carr
10. The HP Way, How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company, by David Packard
12. Free, The Future of A Radical Price, by Chris Anderson
13. Barbarians At The Gate, by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
15. The People's Tycoon, Henry Ford and the American Century, by Steven Watts
16. Preserving the World's Great Cities, by Anthony M. Tung
17. Van 3 naar 10.000.000 vrienden: Hyves, by Raymond Spanjar
18. Winning, by Jack Welch & Suzy Welch
19. 'Ik ben Koopman', Kroniek van de familie Fentener van Vlissingen, door Charles den Tex
Much more to come!
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